30 marzo 2011

New blog



I will continue to write there.

10 marzo 2011

amistad [version 1]

facebook: [your name]
“ver amistad”
tapping through 87 photographs of memories – 4 years in a matter of minutes.
arm upon shoulder,
inches from one another,
we were [once] close –
smiles bright with shared jokes held within yet
beaming light from the
of our eyes –
the ventana of our souls.
I listed you on facebook as “hermana
standing strong under “madre” -
the only two gente on my facebook family tree,
binding me together.

high school
cell phone bills flew high
as we poured tears and laughter/
secrets and slander
into one another until we overflowed in similarities -
stamping each other with personality.
we became each other.

we severed distance with determination/
our hearts intertwined/
sealing us together
no matter how far we were from one another.
upon reunion
we snapped back together like that central puzzle piece
completing the image to
make sense again.

proximity is our greatest virtue
[physically] mas cerca than ever before.
i look into your eyes and the window is shut -
the shine, shattered.
we only exchange words
to fill the space that our separate circle of friends failed to fill at the moment.
i’m living yards away from your shell/
the exterior of my former best friend
frozen in her new identity.

we are a part of different puzzles.
you were once my hermana.

01 febrero 2011

self acknowledgements [1-5]

1. to the gently used girl who turned to God when the world was not enough
2. to the bathroom stall artist who is "still so young & desperate for attention"
3. to the honor student swimming against the tides and wondering why
4. to the pink sheep stuck in the shadows at noon on a winter day
5. to the lost child who runs away from others in order to run away from herself

this is for you

22 enero 2011


i feel like a
marionette with my
strings in his hands/
my emotions dancing to the beat of his

all strings attached.

15 enero 2011


haikus have it right
in a hectic, time pinched world
less is so much more.

29 noviembre 2009

haikus for him [#1-3]

1. forgotten:

hours spent writing
poems you will never read &
you'll ask: "who is she?"

2. notes to self:
(un) don't stalk facebook
(deux) he prefers her, toujours
(trois) no "tengas sed"

3. born again?
with your disconcern
you break through bible covers
and pierce my façade


In between her and I you stand and

Never turn my way. To pull at my heartstrings was your

Vice. & my life became a tool in your art. In her shadow


Stand clothed in

Insecurities thrust upon me by your

Belligerent speech,

Lying your way into her likings to

Ease into my scene and re-paint me as you'd like.